The new bipartisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA) is expected to increase infrastructure investment by nearly 40% – and this year's NASCC: The Steel Conference keynoter will tell us what the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) priorities are and how this public/private partnership will deliver a once-in-a-lifetime generational investment to meet our infrastructure needs today and in the future. FHWA Administrator Shailen Bhatt will also provide valuable insights into the FHWA’s ongoing research and technology programs.
“This is a great opportunity to hear first-hand about the impact the IIJA will have on the steel design and construction industry,” said Charles J. Carter, SE, PE, PhD, president of AISC. “Shailen Bhatt is a dynamic speaker with a lot of keen insight, and I look forward to hearing what he has to say.”
Bhatt administers more than $350 million in IIJA funding, provides leadership on strategic initiatives and policy, and oversees more than 2,700 employees. He has held leadership positions in the public and private sectors, including the Kentucky, Delaware, and Colorado Departments of Transportation; the Intelligent Transportation Society of America; AECOM; and as FHWA's Associate Administrator for Highway Policy and External Affairs during the Obama administration.
Bhatt brings to his role a passion for improving safety and protecting all road users on America's roads, bridges, highways, and other surface transportation infrastructure, including people using them for walking and biking. He is also committed to transforming our nation's infrastructure systems to address transportation's impacts on our global climate, while making them more equitable and fair for all.
The Steel Conference takes place in Charlotte, N.C., April 12 to 14, and includes more than 200 technical presentations and 280 exhibitors. It also incorporates six specialty conferences: the World Steel Bridge Symposium, QualityCon, Architecture in Steel, SafetyCon, the SSRC Annual Stability Conference, and the NISD Conference on Steel Detailing, all of which are included with your registration fee.