Join the AISC university programs team and fellow educators for a complimentary lunch and a look at our latest programs and resources for you to teach steel design.
Christina McCoy (Oklahoma State University), Jim Swanson (University of Cincinnati), and Jeremy Feist (MKA) will present a new teaching aid that they developed as the basis for a capstone project. Educators will be able to use these resources which includes a set of structural drawings, sample design calculations, slide sets, and prompts to design a 7 story steel framed building.
Mohannad Zeyad Naser (Clemson University) will present on the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in civil engineering education including current challenges, potential applications, and how educators can immediately leverage AI to their benefit and to improve student learning. Naser, the 2024 recipient of AISC's Milek Fellowship for his research project, SteelGPT: Automating Structural Design of Steel Structures, will give a presentation and lead a group discussion.
12:30 p.m. Session begins (lunch included)
12:45 p.m. University Programs Update - Christina Harber
1:10 p.m. Intro to the New Capstone Teaching Aid - Christina McCoy, Jim Swanson, and Jeremy Feist
1:30 p.m. AI and Teaching Steel Design - M.Z. Naser
2:30 p.m. Session ends
​Educators who attend the NASCC Educator Session will receive $300 in reimbursement. Please follow these guidelines:
Submit your reimbursement request no later than 30 days after the final day of the event.
Provide itemized receipts for all expenses incurred, except for auto mileage. Expenses eligible for reimbursement include transportation, lodging, and conference registration fees.
Students are invited to join us for the Students Connecting with Industry Sessions (SCIS) on Thursday, April 3, which is exclusively for students. ​AISC student members who are full-time students at U.S. universities and attend SCIS can be eligible to receive up to $175 in travel assistance from AISC and a ticket to join us for the conference dinner.